Mini Footy FAQ’s

Do you offer taster sessions?

  • Yes we do. You can book a taster session at any of our classes that have a space. If there is a waiting list, please join that and when a space becomes available you will be able to book your taster session.

What should my child wear?

  • We want your child to feel comfortable and happy so that they enjoy their sessions.
  • (Very Soon!) your child will be able to wear the official Mini Footy Kit and have their own name and number on the back of the shirt.

What footwear should my child use?

  • Trainers are worn by the majority of children, but please don’t purchase special footwear for our classes. Some children will just wear a normal pair of shoes, and this perfectly acceptable.
  • Outdoor classes, during the summer months, classes will normally take place outside on grass. Some children do wear studded football boots, but once again a pair of trainers/shoes will be fine.
  • Rainy Days – children are welcome to wear wellies and waterproofs if it’s raining.

Do classes take place inside or outside?

  • Winter – (October to May approximately) classes take place inside
  • Summer – (May to October approximately) classes will take place outside and will continue even if it’s raining, so dress your child appropriately for the conditions, Suncream and Hats when sunny. Waterproofs and Wellies if wet.
    Occasionally, it it’s a heavy storm, we will aim to revert to an inside venue (if available)

How do I cancel my Mini Footy Membership ?

  • Please send an email to to give 1 months notice. You will then receive confirmation of the date of your final class, and also, when your final payment will be taken.
  • It is also our passion at Mini Footy to keep improving every level of our service, so if there are any suggestions for improvement or we can help resolve any issues that have a led to a cancellation, then please contact

Drinks and Snacks

  • Your child will get hungry and thirsty during their session so please bring a drink and snack for them to consume.
  • Please ensure that no food or drinks are brought on to the playing area. Spillages become a hazard and delay our classes inside, and eating food whilst running around, become a potential choking hazard.

How long is a Mini Footy session?

  • Mini Footy sessions last 45 minutes in total. During this time there is a settling in period where you parents have free play-time with their child, kicking balls and scoring goals.
  • The rest of the session is structured and will include 1 or 2 drinks breaks.

What happens in a Mini Footy football class?

  • Mini Footy classes are created to be entertaining, stimulating, dynamic, and interactive. Our coaches curate sessions that help children build confidence, teamwork, and social abilities, while also nurturing their football skills with the aim of helping them to enjoy sport. We are continually enhancing our sessions and devise new coaching methods to provide the best classes possible.

Do Parents join in?

  • It depends on the age and the confidence of the child. Our Astro Tots classes are 100% parental participation, as your child needs your support to help them interpret how to play and participate in the games.
  • As children grow older and more confident the coaches will encourage the parents to step-back and let their child do more by themselves. However, their may be times in a session where parents are encouraged to join in or help their child.

Do parents stay and watch?

  • For safeguarding purposes a parent or guardian must be present at all times during a Mini Footy class.

What happens after my taster session?

  • You will receive an email after your class, which will allow you to take out a Mini Footy Monthly Membership. You will only have 48 hours to sign-up, before your space will be offered to the next child.

Does my child need to wear shin pads?

  • Shin pads are ONLY REQUIRED in our Supernovas sessions. In these older classes, we play games and matches where physical contact can occur. Any child who doesn’t have shinpads, will only be permitted to partake in parts of the session where no physical contact can occur.

How long is my membership commitment?

  • Once you have started your membership runs continuously. You are welcome to cancel at any time, by giving 1 months’ notice (see cancellation FAQ)

Can we just turn up and pay at the session?

  • We like people to book with us before attending the session. By booking on we can let your coach know you will be attending, keeping the session as safe and organised as possible. 

When will my first payment leave my account?

  • Your initial membership fee will taken on the day you enrol into a Mini Footy class. 
  • Future payments will be taken monthly after you have attended your last class in the month.
  • -If you last class was on the 30th April, your next payment would be taken between the May 1st & May 6th.
  • -If your last class was on the 25th May, your payment would be taken between the May 26th & May 31st

Where am I on the waiting list?

  • Sometimes we do get fully booked and we have to place interested parents/children on a waiting list. When you are on the waiting list and a place becomes available, we will send an email out to everyone at the same time. This gives all parents the same opportunity to get a place.
  • This is followed up with an SMS to ensure all parents have received their notice.